Monday, January 25, 2016

Really Gearing Up!


The major focus for this week was trying to get all the characters to 690. I almost managed it, with only Magey and Combat now below 690. This was done by doing tons of Tanaan Jungle, and funneling loads of 695 upgrades to all the characters, if they couldn't get 20K Apexis themselves. One problem I found was that you can only have one Baleful Trinket. So Combat is left with a 615 one. She's been trying to get a drop in LFR or off Kazzak, but with no luck.

Hanging out in Tanaan Jungle
While we're talking about Kazzak, I did kill him on every single character again this week. This gave me upwards of 100 Felblight, and I was able to make quite a few Mighty Upgrades for my character's crafted gear. I have now upgraded all the pieces to level 5, except for two. I'll complete them this week. Then it's on to Savage Upgrades at 60 Felblight a pop. I need 1800 all told, minus 60 for the one Savage I've done so far. 1740 needed. Let's say we get 100 per week. That's 18 weeks :) Let's hope Legion isn't early :)

I tried to make Master Plan progress across the board this week. I took Elfy through Talador and Nagrand and got those completed. I also did 700 Cooking on Shammy and Elfy, and worked a bit on Priesty's Archeology, and Beasty's Fishing too. The only Rep stuff I did was the Tanaan Dailies. I'm sure that Hand of the Awakened will be one of the factions to Exalted on all my characters. It was a good week for gold. I completed a 6K ship mission successfully, and sold quite a lot of stuff on the AH.

Talking about Shipyards, I've now got them up and running on all 10 characters. 5 have the Oil Rig now, and the other 5 are working on it. I'm also trying to perfect the ships, decomissioning any Tauren, Orc, Blood Elf and Troll crew ones, and keeping any Goblin, Pandaren, or Undead ones (trying to get one Murloc Destroyer too :)). Once I have this sorted out, I'll perfect the counters they have, and have 10 efficient fleets to bring in tons of gold.

Master Plan:
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 100.

COMPLETED. 100/100 100%

Gearing: Get each character to 690. Counting 600-690. Out of 900.

Lots of upgrades this week. 893/900 99.2%

Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 180 (given 6.2).

Lots of 4->5 upgrades. Only 2 more to go. 149/180 82.8%

Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 20.


Trappy got LW, and Combat got Jc, to 700. 19/20 95% 

Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on all to 700. Counting each prof. Out of 40.

Shammy and Elfy got cooking to 700. 15/40 37.5%

Complete Draenor: Each zone complete and Bonus Objectives complete. Out of 50.

Elfy got Talador and Nagrand done. 32/50 64%

Guild Achievements: Get to 200.

Nothing new this week. 100/200 50%

Gold: Get to 500K Gold on each character. Out of 5M.

A good week. 1,610,000/5,000,000 32.2%

Dreanor Reps: Get 3 Draenor reps Exalted on each character. Out of 30.

Nothing yet. 0%

Followers: Get 21/22 followers on each character to 675. Out of 215.

Nothing new this week. 86/215 40%

Overall Plan progress = 60.1%

Good progress this week.

Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (100) - Undead/Priest (Herbalism 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 700
Beastybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvL 695

Shammybrit (100) - Orc/Shaman (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvL 693
Elfybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining 700/ Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvL 694
Lockybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Warlock (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvL 694
Huntingbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Mining 700/Engineering 700)
 - iLvL 693
Voidbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Warlock (Herbalism 700/Enchanting 710- iLvL 690
Trappybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvL 695

Mageybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Mage (Herbalism 700/Tailoring 662- iLvL 688
Combatbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Rogue (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700)
 - iLvL 685

Pallybrit (100) - 
Blood Elf/Paladin (Mining 620/Blacksmithing 349)

Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor: 

Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 665
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 660
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 665
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 663
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 675
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710- iLvl 666
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 666
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Enchanting 700- iLvl 663
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 660
Bamboodbrit (100) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 658
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)  

Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (100) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvl 660
Slealthybrit (100) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 654
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)

Alliance on Lightbringer:

Priestybrit (17) - Human/Priest (Mining 38/Herbalism 58)

The goal for this week is to finish the gearing, and professions, and to work on more Master Plan stuff. Also, to get all the ship fleets sorted out for goldmaking.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Apexis Bonus Time!


Yep, it's the Apexis Bonus event this week. So? You might say. Getting bonus apexis off mobs is kind of meh. But, the weekly quest 'A Time to Strike', that you complete by doing 5 Apexis bonus areas, is the easiest of all the bonus event ones to complete. Just do the daily, and then 4 more, and bingo, 1000 Oil, 1000 GRs, 5000 Apexis, and 500 Valor. I started doing this on my lowest geared characters first, to get them better geared up.

As of now, I have completed on 6 out of 10 characters, and hope to finish on the other 4 by the end of today (because I have the day off for MLK day).

That's what I've mostly been doing this week. I've also done Kazzak on 6 out of 10 characters, but haven't had as much time to play as normal, as we've had friends staying with us for a few days.

So, it's really been about gearing up, and doing Tanaan this week. Other than that, it's been AHing stuff for gold, doing garrison chores, and to be honest, not much else. Magey and Combat did get their garrisons fully fleshed out and are now contributing to the gold total. Also, a couple of notable Gold things this week were two Bligtron missions for 4K each, and a 6K card on my scribe. A very good week for gold.

Master Plan:
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 100.

COMPLETED. 100/100 100%

Gearing: Get each character to 690. Counting 600-690. Out of 900.

Lots of upgrades this week. 857/900 95.2%

Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 180 (given 6.2).

A few more upgrades this week. 142/180 78.9%

Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 20.


Nothing new this week. 17/20 85% 

Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on all to 700. Counting each prof. Out of 40.

Nothing new this week. 13/40 32.5%

Complete Draenor: Each zone complete and Bonus Objectives complete. Out of 50.
Nothing new this week. 30/50 60%

Guild Achievements: Get to 200.

Nothing new this week. 100/200 50%

Gold: Get to 500K Gold on each character. Out of 5M.

A good week. 1,463,000/5,000,000 29.3%

Dreanor Reps: Get 3 Draenor reps Exalted on each character. Out of 30.

Nothing yet. 0%

Followers: Get 21/22 followers on each character to 675. Out of 215.

Nothing new this week. 86/215 40%

Overall Plan progress = 57.1%

Very little progress.

Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (100) - Undead/Priest (Herbalism 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 697
Beastybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvL 695

Shammybrit (100) - Orc/Shaman (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvL 692 
Elfybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining 700/ Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvL 690 
Lockybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Warlock (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvL 687
Huntingbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Mining 700/Engineering 700)
 - iLvL 684 
Voidbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Warlock (Herbalism 700/Enchanting 710- iLvL 677
Trappybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 655) - iLvL 679
Mageybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Mage (Herbalism 700/Tailoring 567- iLvL 677
Combatbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Rogue (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 639)
 - iLvL 675

Pallybrit (100) - 
Blood Elf/Paladin (Mining 620/Blacksmithing 349)

Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor: 

Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 665
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 660
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 665
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 663
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 675
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710- iLvl 666
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 666
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Enchanting 700- iLvl 663
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 660
Bamboodbrit (100) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 658
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)  

Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (100) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvl 660
Slealthybrit (100) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 654
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)

Alliance on Lightbringer:

Priestybrit (17) - Human/Priest (Mining 38/Herbalism 58)

The goal for next week is to get back to thinking about the holes in the Master Plan completion. Rep, Secondary profs, all the zones etc. I got sidetracked this week with the Apexis event, and concentration on gearing up.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Shipyards are Back!


Yep, Shipyards are back big time. With the recent quality of life improvements they made to them, they are definitely worth doing now. I recently expanded from 5 Shipyards to 8 shipyards (and will eventually run 10).

Priesty doing ship missions
My first three (Priesty, Beasty, and Shammy) have all got Voljin's Headhunters rep to revered and now have the Oil Rig. The first 5 have level 3 shipyards, and the other 3 are working on getting to level 2 and level 3. I've been looking on wowhead for the best mix of ships, and considering the best mix of ships for the gold missions. But what I've decided on now is a balance of ships and equipment to keep all the mission rewards rolling in, but to concentrating on getting crews that will really help. So, I'm going with:

3 Destroyers, 3 Battleships, 2 Subs, and 2 Carriers.

And I want Pandaren, Undead, or Goblin crew. For now, if I get Troll crew, it is OK (to get ship equipment for free), but they will eventually get swapped out. This means a lot of decommissioning of ships and re-rolling hoping to get the right crews. I did spend some time on Priesty getting the Ghostly Spyglass equipment blueprint (from a rare in a cave in South Tanaan), and will work on getting Priesty's whole fleet sorted out, before working on the others.

Other that shipyards, I spent a lot of time on lots of characters in Tanaan Jungle. They all did Kazzak this week, for lots of Felblight. They also did the daily a lot, to work on the rep. I was lucky to have Ironhold Harbor as the daily quite a few times. It's my favorite. Ironhold Harbor and Iron Front are my two favorites, with Zeth'gol next, then Fel Forge, and Temple of Sha'nar being my least favorite.

Priesty was the only one who did the Saurfang quest this week. That's because it was Black Gate (Archimonde!!). I'd never done this before, but plunged right in. We wiped the first time, as there were lots not hitting the adds. Second try was better, but we still failed. We finally downed it with 2 stacks of Determination. Nice cutscene to finish off too. I'd recommend doing it for the cutscene if you haven't done it before.

I also did a lot of gearing up. Between all the 20K Apexis upgrades I was getting, I also crafted a lot of 5/6 equipment, and upgraded a little bit with Valor too.

I did work on reps a bit, working on Priesty's Arrakoa and Frostwolf rep. Priesty did the regular garrison Skettis daily, and also did the FFR one when it was up.

Magey and Combat continued to work in lockstep, upgrading their garrisons, and are nearly maxed out and will contribute to gold soon.

Master Plan:
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 100.

COMPLETED. 100/100 100%

Gearing: Get each character to 690. Counting 600-690. Out of 900.

Lots of upgrades this week. 839/900 93.2%

Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 180 (given 6.2).

A few more upgrades this week. 139/180 77.2%

Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 20.


Nothing new this week. 17/20 85% 

Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on all to 700. Counting each prof. Out of 40.

Nothing new this week. 13/40 32.5%

Complete Draenor
: Each zone complete and Bonus Objectives complete. Out of 50.
Nothing new this week. 30/50 60%

Guild Achievements: Get to 200.

Got MoP and Cata Crafter. 100/200 50%

Gold: Get to 500K Gold on each character. Out of 5M.

A good week. 1,309,000/5,000,000 26.2%

Dreanor Reps: Get 3 Draenor reps Exalted on each character. Out of 30.

Nothing yet. 0%

Followers: Get 21/22 followers on each character to 675. Out of 215.

Nothing new this week. 86/215 40%

Overall Plan progress = 56.4%

Good progress this week.

Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (100) - Undead/Priest (Herbalism 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 697
Beastybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvL 695

Shammybrit (100) - Orc/Shaman (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvL 692
Elfybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining 700/ Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvL 690
Lockybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Warlock (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvL 687
Huntingbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Mining 700/Engineering 700)
 - iLvL 684
Voidbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Warlock (Herbalism 700/Enchanting 710- iLvL 677
Trappybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 586- iLvL 679
Mageybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Mage (Herbalism 700/Tailoring 457- iLvL 677
Combatbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Rogue (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 485)
 - iLvL 675

Pallybrit (100) - 
Blood Elf/Paladin (Mining 620/Blacksmithing 349)

Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor: 

Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 665
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 660
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 665
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 663
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 675
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710- iLvl 666
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 666
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Enchanting 700- iLvl 663
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 660
Bamboodbrit (100) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 658
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)  

Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (100) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvl 660
Slealthybrit (100) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 654
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)

Alliance on Lightbringer:

Priestybrit (17) - Human/Priest (Mining 38/Herbalism 58)

The plan this week is more of the same. Shipyards, Tanaan, Gearing up, working on Rep, making gold. Hopefully the Saurfang quest will be an easier one.


Monday, January 4, 2016

You're a mean one, Kazzak!


He's very mean when he only hands out a few paltry Felblight. Which was the story for most of my characters this week.

Dancing with Kazzak
Anyway. First off. Happy New Year to everyone. I hope yours was a good one. Mine was good. We went away to a Cabin with friends and all saw the New Year in together. Good stuff.

What that means is that I wasn't playing as much as I thought I could between Christmas and now, but no matter, I still got a lot done.

I did do Kazzak on all my Horde 100s in the guild. Got quite a bit of Felblight, and a couple of them got gear from him too. So I guess he's not too mean :) I also did the Tanaan dailies on a lot of characters, getting tons of Baleful gear, and raising a lot up to 695. Gearing up is going very well indeed. I do realize though that I made a big mistake with my choice of crafting gear. On my last 5 characters, it was always Bracers and Shoulders, with one other (weapon, ring, etc.). This was all based on what you could get from Timewalking. But now, I'm not even using Timewalking, just Tanaan and Apexis, and Kazzak can drop Bracers too. It's too late to go back, but I really wish I'd done it differently, not based on Timewalking at all.

What else. I did LFR on most of them, doing the Saurfang daily whenever I could. A few of them upgraded gear with Valor too. I also worked on Professions a bit. Beasty advanced in Fishing, doing the Garrison daily most days. Trappy also got skinning to 700, grinding in Nagrand and then finishing the last 5 points in the DMF.

While the Winter Veil Dailies were still going on, I was doing them on all my characters. I got 12 Arms of the Frozen Hero, and upgraded 6 followers each on Magey and Combat to 650. I got 21 Medallions of the Legion. Beasty used 1 to get Voljin rep to Revered, for the Oil Rig. I'll use them all over time, about 2 per character. I have 16 Elixirs of the Rapid Mind, and will wait for them to go up in value before selling them.

Trappy finally got all buildings to level 3 and is doing Elite trapping now. So, she's bringing in gold too. Things are selling well on the AH, especially Savage Blood. So, we're continuing to bring in gold at the expected rate.

One other thing I did was start taking my characters through the zones they haven't fully completed. So, Shammy finished off Nagrand, and Elfy got Spires done.

Master Plan:
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 100.

COMPLETED. 100/100 100%

Gearing: Get each character to 690. Counting 600-690. Out of 900.

Lots of upgrades this week. 821/900 91.2%

Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 180 (given 6.2).

Seven more upgrades this week. 136/180 75.6%

Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 20.


Trappy skinning to 700. 17/20 85% 

Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on all to 700. Counting each prof. Out of 40.

Nothing new this week. 13/40 32.5%

Complete Draenor
: Each zone complete and Bonus Objectives complete. Out of 50.
Up 2 this week, but miscounted before. 30/50 60%

Guild Achievements: Get to 200.

Nothing New this week. 80/200 40%

Gold: Get to 500K Gold on each character. Out of 5M.

A very good week. 1,176,000/5,000,000 23.5%

Dreanor Reps: Get 3 Draenor reps Exalted on each character. Out of 30.

Nothing yet. 0%

Followers: Get 21/22 followers on each character to 675. Out of 215.

Elfy got all to 675. 86/215 40%

Overall Plan progress = 54.8%

Good progress this week.

Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (100) - Undead/Priest (Herbalism 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 694
Beastybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvL 694

Shammybrit (100) - Orc/Shaman (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvL 690
Elfybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining 700/ Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvL 690
Lockybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Warlock (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvL 686
Huntingbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Mining 700/Engineering 700)
 - iLvL 681
Voidbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Warlock (Herbalism 700/Enchanting 710- iLvL 677
Trappybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 468- iLvL 675
Mageybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Mage (Herbalism 700/Tailoring 332- iLvL 677
Combatbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Rogue (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 319)
 - iLvL 665

Pallybrit (100) - 
Blood Elf/Paladin (Mining 620/Blacksmithing 349)

Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor: 

Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 665
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 660
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 665
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 663
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 675
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710- iLvl 666
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 666
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Enchanting 700- iLvl 663
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 660
Bamboodbrit (100) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 658
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)  

Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (100) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvl 660
Slealthybrit (100) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 654
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)

Alliance on Lightbringer:

Priestybrit (17) - Human/Priest (Mining 38/Herbalism 58)

The plan for next week is to continue doing the Tanaan Dailes, gearing everyone up, running LFR, and then, honestly, start working on Rep :)
